
Скачать с Яндекс диска Macro Photography and Focus Stacking Made Easy

Скачать с Яндекс диска Macro Photography and Focus Stacking Made Easy

Master the art of close-up and macro photography and focus stacking to create stunning images you’ll be proud to display. Learn the techniques and equipment (optical, lighting and support) needed to achieve sharply focused, well-exposed photographs of flowers, insects, water drops, miniatures, coins, jewellery and much more . This hands-on workshop will show you how to get the most from your DSLR and how to enhance its macro capabilities in very affordable ways. You will learn every type of close-up shot, from wide-angle to extreme macro, and equipment ranging from macro and reversed lenses to close-up attachments and bellows. It also covers focus stacking techniques (including processing through Photoshop and Helicon Focus) as well as the software and equipment needed for extreme macro.

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